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Medical Malpractice Insurance covers:

  • Medical Incident Claim

  • Defence Cost and Investigation Expense

  • Legal Representation at Inquiry

  • Individual or Establishment 

  • Vicarious Liability

  • Good Samaritan Acts

  • Cyber and Privacy Infringement

  • ...and more




What is Medical Malpractice Insurance


is this 


You really should consider

Medical Malpractice Insurance

if you are:

  • Individual Medical Practitioner like -

    • Doctors​

    • Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) practitioner

    • Dentist 

  • Licensed Health Care Professionals.​

  • Medical Establishments.

  • Service provider (like nursing home) that have medical professionals on staff to provide service.

Who need Medical Malpractice Insurance

Medical Malpractice Insurance 

Human life expectancy is getting longer. According to HK government’s Census and Statistics Department,  60% of the elderly people now aged 65 are expected to live to the age of 85 or above . 40% of them are expected to reach the age of  90. Our elderly population in 2014 has risen to 2.58 million!


This means there is a great demand on medication, health care product and medical services.


Being a health care provider, you are devoted to heal others. You uphold the sacred oath: "First, to do no harm." As human life expectancy gets longer, there will be more cases for you, more chance for you to do good.

And yet, we are only human. With more cases, comes more risk. Mistake could be made, misdiagnosis could happen, a momentary lapse of judgement or most commonly, simply choosing a different course of action than a colleague would have taken but end up causing physical or emotional injury.


All of the above could have devastating results! 

We all know what comes next if the situation is  no properly managed- the costly lawsuit, the unfavourable news reports - just to name a few. The mounting stress of facing this on your own is just too much.


You will need an insurance agent that understand the your risk and help you protect yourself.


Our Medical Malpractice Insurance from CHUBB Insurance Hong Kong Limited offers specialize insurance that provides  comprehensive coverage and risk management solutions to protect you and your financial in an unfortunate event.

Contact us today to learn more on how we can protect you.


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Why need Medical Malpractice Insurance


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Medical Malpractice Insurance

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